A Student's Gratitude Letter to Our Donors at Cameras For Girls

In a world where every click of the shutter captures a story waiting to be told, a transformative force exists—the Camera for Girls program. It's within the corridors of this initiative, nestled in the heart of Africa, where dreams are born and futures are shaped. As Karen May Locham, a passionate participant in this program, pens her heartfelt letter of gratitude to our esteemed donors, she unveils the profound impact of their generosity. But beyond her words lies an invitation—a call to action for others to join hands in empowering the voices of tomorrow.

Karen May Locham who was a part of our 1st cohort with Cameras For Girls in Tanzania

Karen May Locham who was a part of our 1st cohort with Cameras For Girls in Tanzania

A Letter From Karen to Our Donors

In the bustling heart of Tanzania, amidst the vibrant streets of Dar es Salaam, a group of young women gathers, each holding a camera and a dream. I stand among them, my heart brimming with gratitude and my eyes gleaming with newfound purpose. My name is Karen May Locham. I write to you today not merely as a participant in the Camera for Girls 1st cohort in Tanzania but as a testament to the transformative power of your generosity.

Your support has not only provided us with cameras but has ignited a spark within each of us—a spark that fuels our passion for photography and empowers us to tell stories that resonate with the world around us. Through the lens of gratitude, allow me to share the profound impact your contribution has had on my journey and the lives of many other aspiring young women like me.

Reflecting on my experience with Camera for Girls, one moment stands out vividly—the first class where we delved into the intricacies of the exposure triangle. Led by Amina Mohamed, the Founder and Executive Director, this session was more than just a technical lesson; it was a revelation. Through Amina's guidance, I learned to see beyond the numbers, beyond the settings on my camera, and into the soul of photography. The exposure triangle became a gateway to storytelling—a tool through which I could capture not just images but emotions, moments frozen in time.

But our journey did not end in the classroom. We ventured into the heart of our community, collaborating with organizations like the Girls First Initiative and using our newfound skills to amplify voices that often go unheard. Through practical training and weekly Zoom meetings, we continue honing our craft, refining our images and sharpening our storytelling prowess. And in the quiet solitude of the editing laboratory, we learned to breathe life into our photographs, infusing them with meaning and purpose.

Yet, beyond the technical skills lies a deeper lesson—an understanding of entrepreneurship, marketing, and the power of one's voice. Camera for Girls has equipped us with cameras and the tools to forge our paths and carve out our destinies in a world brimming with possibilities.

Since embarking on this journey, I have witnessed a transformation within myself—a growth fueled by your unwavering support and belief in our potential. With newfound confidence, I dare to dream bigger and envision a future where I can make a tangible difference in my community through the art of photography.

In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you, our esteemed donors, for your kindness, your generosity, and your unwavering commitment to our cause. Your support has not only changed our lives but has set ablaze a beacon of hope for generations to come. As I stand here, camera in hand, I am reminded of the words of Margaret Bourke-White, "Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... It remembers little things long after you have forgotten everything." With your support, we will continue to capture moments, to tell stories, and to inspire change.

With sincere gratitude,

Karen May Locham

Our Call To Action To You!

As Karen's words echo in your hearts, let us not merely be bystanders to her journey but active participants in shaping the dreams of countless other young women like her. The Camera for Girls program is a beacon of hope—a testament to the transformative power of education, empowerment, and opportunity.

Your support, whether through donations, mentorship, or advocacy, has the potential to change lives, unlock doors of opportunity, and inspire a generation of storytellers. Together, we can empower more young women to see the world through the lens of possibility, capture moments that transcend borders and languages, and amplify voices that deserve to be heard.

Please consider becoming a one-time or monthly donor today.


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