How Learning Photography Ignites Opportunities for African Women in Media

In the vast landscape of media and storytelling, photography is a powerful medium for capturing the essence of narratives, evoking emotions, and sparking change. For African women, learning photography ignites creativity and opens doors to a world of opportunities in the male-dominated media industry.

Cameras For Girls is at the forefront of this empowerment journey, an organization dedicated to equipping young women across Africa with essential photography, storytelling, and business skills. Through its programs, Cameras For Girls is shaping the next generation of female media professionals, empowering them to share their unique perspectives and stories with the world while learning critical skills to take them from theory into practice and, more importantly, supporting them to find paid work.

Amina teaching the students at University of Dar es Salaam, November 2023

Amina teaching the students at University of Dar es Salaam, November 2023

Cameras For Girls Students Break The Barrier to Employment

Learning photography is not just about mastering technical skills; it's about levelling the playing field and providing African women with the tools they need to succeed in the competitive world of media and communications. By honing their photography skills, these women are expanding their creative horizons and gaining the confidence to pursue paid work that may have been previously out of reach.

Furthermore, in many cases, women in the media industry are told they need a camera and must know how to take photos to accompany their articles. This requirement can serve as a significant barrier for African women, who may face limited access to resources and opportunities compared to their male counterparts.

However, through Cameras For Girls, more than 75% of the students who have completed the year-long training have found work as journalists, photojournalists, writers, and photographers. Some have even started businesses as photographers and writers.

For instance, Joyce Mollan, who graduated from our program in 2023, has since found work as a self-employed photojournalist. She is the on-site photographer for two football clubs in Kampala and works for various NGOs across East Africa, documenting their work.

Elevating Skills and Empowering Young Women Across Africa

In Uganda and Tanzania, Cameras For Girls is making waves by offering comprehensive programs beyond technical training. Through workshops, mentorship, and hands-on experience, participants learn how to take captivating photos, navigate the male-dominated media, and advocate for their worth as professionals. Cameras For Girls further advocates for their students to get a foot in the door with internships and placements. It is a slow process, but one that is worth fighting for.

By providing African women with access to resources, opportunities, and networks, Cameras For Girls empowers them to succeed in media, challenging existing power dynamics and reshaping the industry from within. These programs are not just about learning photography; they're about empowering African women to take their rightful place at the forefront of the media landscape.

"As we witness the positive transformations brought about by Cameras For Girls, we eagerly anticipate expanding this opportunity to more students in the years ahead. Your support is not just a financial contribution; it's a direct investment in the aspirations and achievements of these young women. Together, we are creating a future where your impact reverberates across continents, opening doors and creating opportunities for those who deserve them the most."

John Baptist Imokola from Makerere University, one of our prominent partners in Uganda

The Impact of Journalism Programs across Africa

In partnership with Cameras For Girls, journalism programs in Uganda, such as Makerere University and Tanzania’s University of Dar es Salaam, are actively advancing the mission of empowering African women in media. Through these collaborative efforts, participants are equipped with the essential skills and confidence to craft their narratives through photography, effectively dismantling gender barriers prevalent in the industry. As we broaden our horizons, with plans to extend our initiatives to other countries like Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa, we aim to intersect practical training with theoretical journalism programs renowned for their excellence.

In these programs, participants amplify their voices and gain access to paid work opportunities within the media sector. By challenging traditional perceptions of who should wield the camera, these women expand their individual prospects and serve as trailblazers, inspiring future generations of African women in media to assert their presence and reshape the industry landscape.


Learning photography is more than just taking pictures; it's about breaking down barriers, challenging stereotypes, and opening doors to a world of opportunities, including paid work in male-dominated media spaces across Africa. Through initiatives like Cameras For Girls, African women are honing their photography skills, asserting their worth as professionals, and reshaping the media landscape for generations to come.

Together, let's continue to support and uplift African women in their journey to success in media and photography. Because when we empower women, we empower entire communities, and together, we can create a world where everyone's story matters.

Join us in empowering women and girls to find their voices through the transformative power of photography. Together, we can make a difference. Support Cameras For Girls today and help us continue our mission of fostering confidence, self-esteem, and leadership skills in women and girls worldwide. Every contribution counts towards creating a more inclusive and empowered future. Click here to donate and be part of the movement.


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Celebrating African Women's Photography Organizations