Joanita Nakatte


Joanita Nakatte

Joanita Nakatte is 29 years old and is contentedly single, in her own words. She is a graduate of The Uganda Christian University in Uganda. She joined our first group of girls in August 2018.

She had no previous experience with a camera until Cameras For Girls invited her through our application process to participate in the 3-day training in Kampala.

Since she was ten years old, she had the goal to become a journalist. The news anchors inspired Joanita she would see on local TV. She did not realize she could make this a career until one of her teachers told her it was possible by studying Mass Communications and Journalism. 

She now works with the Vision Group in Uganda with a local newspaper called Bukedde. Joanita states, “to be honest, with the possession of this camera, I’ve been able to gain trust from my editor, which means that I now get field assignments for reporting and my stories get published immediately, which wasn’t the case before. I was about to give up trying to get work when this opportunity to learn photography showed up. With the newfound skills and encouragement, I feel I can now reach all of my goals.”

Joanita has worked hard for what she wants, and in 2021, she bought her own Canon DSLR while supporting her mother, her siblings, and her community. 

Below are some images Joanita took during her time in the course and on her work assignments.


Are you a young woman endeavoring to find work as a journalist in Africa?? Hoping to learn photography to improve your career options?

Currently we run our in-person workshops in Uganda but we have a robust online training that we offer to females from Africa for FREE.

Apply to join our training.
