Train The Trainer Program

Building Sustainability With Cameras For Girls

Beginning in June 2024, Cameras For Girls embarks on a transformative journey in Uganda, amplifying our impact through the launch of the "Train the Trainer" program. This initiative is pivotal as we empower 5 accomplished graduates from our renowned year-long 4-phase program to become the next generation of skilled and paid trainers for Cameras For Girls.

Read more about our Train The Trainer program below.

Students learning with Amina, during the Uganda workshop in 2023.

What is the need?

At Cameras For Girls, we recognize a pressing need within the media landscape where young women are often denied opportunities for leadership and advancement. Despite their talent and potential, systemic barriers limit their access to higher positions, perpetuating gender disparities. Our programming aims to address this disparity head-on by not only providing young women with the skills and resources to become paid trainers within our organization but also by equipping them with the leadership capabilities necessary to excel in any media-related role. Through our intensive 6-month program, participants will emerge as empowered leaders ready to challenge the status quo, break through barriers, and drive meaningful change within the media industry and beyond.

What will the girls receive?

Over six months of intensive training and the gift of a Canon DSLR, these empowered women will cultivate advanced photography skills, bolster confidence, leadership prowess, and refined public speaking abilities. Through a hybrid model of in-person and online workshops facilitated by Cameras For Girls and a network of experienced mentors and trainers, they will emerge as beacons of inspiration, ready to shatter barriers in Uganda's male-dominated media industry.

Crucially, these trainees will not only receive compensation during and post-training but will also experience enhanced livelihoods and opportunities, establishing them as valued partners rather than mere trainers. Together, they will champion change, uplift communities, and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable media landscape.

Amina reviewing photos of free photography training in Uganda.

Amina reviewing students photography during workshop in Uganda.

Student studying from the curriculum guide provided in each training.

How does it benefit Cameras For Girls?

Equipped with comprehensive mastery of our Train the Trainer curriculum, these remarkable individuals will not only guide future cohorts of young women through our 4-phase program but will also embody inspirational leadership and serve as powerful role models for aspiring women looking to enter the male-dominated media spaces in Uganda and beyond.

With each trainee entrusted to lead a cohort of 15 young women and a total of 5 cohorts annually, our program's reach will soar from 15 students to an impressive 75 students per year, just in Uganda alone!

This exponential expansion propels us towards our vision of extending our impact across Africa while also ensuring the program's self-sustainability through the perpetuation of its transformative cycle with each new cohort of qualified trainers.

How do we meet our goals for gender equality?

The Train-the-Trainer program plays a pivotal role in fostering gender equality. By empowering women as trainers, we challenge traditional norms and provide tangible examples of female leadership in the media industry. As these trained educators guide student cohorts through our program, they become instrumental in dismantling gender-based barriers, not only in journalism but also in broader societal contexts.

Amina setting up the camera with Hafitha during a photography workshop in Uganda

Amina setting up the camera with Hafitha during a photography workshop in Uganda

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